With Ann Blackburn | $85
Learn about how SomaYoga Therapy releases tension patterns in the body so you can enliven your deep core stability. We all have held tension patterns/contracted muscles in our body for a variety of reasons. Over time, the brain registers the tension/contraction in the muscles as "normal" and we cannot release them until we teach them how to release. We do not use stretching but "pandiculation." Pandiculation is engaging the muscles, and slowly/consciously releasing the muscles. In this workshop, you will learn a series of Somatic movements (the "Soma" in SomaYoga) that teach your tension patterns how to release to gain mobility and freedom. Then you can access your deep core stability and strength. Learn how to resolve back pain and prevent injury while we move into snow removal season. Some common conditions that this practice can resolve are SI joint pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, frozen shoulder, low back pain, shoulder and neck pain, arm and wrist pain/carpal tunnel, herniated/slipped/bulging discs, hip & leg tightness/pain, knee pain, pelvic floor pain, constipation and frequent urination, one-sided pain, carpal tunnel, anxiety, and breathing conditions. This approach includes movement, breath, and mindfulness practices. Following the workshop, you will receive audio and videos to support your home practice. No experience is necessary.
Please contact Ann with questions: ann@tulayogawellness.com, 651-387-6569.