SomaYoga Therapy for Balancing Energy Class Series with Ann Blackburn, Tuesdays, 3/13-4/16, 7:00-8:15 pm $130 nonmembers/ $120 members | Virtual only
Do you feel like you use more energy than you regenerate? We live in a very externally focused society that awards overachievement, being busy & over-scheduled but not self-care. We are taught energy conservation, but not within ourselves.
We do not have an unlimited supply of prana (vital life force), so it can be helpful to think about it like a bank account—you cannot use more than you have, and if you do, you pay for it. The way we live can support our vitality or deplete it, which affects our health and well-being.
Learn about your breath patterns, how to breathe more efficiently, and strategies for refilling your prana bank account. This class series will include gentle somatic (SomaYoga) movement, pranayama (breath) practices, and meditation & mindfulness.
We will create strategies to integrate these practices into our lives. After each class, you will receive audio and videos to support your home practices. This work is based on Robin Rothenberg’s book “Restoring Your Prana”, which includes extensive breath science research. Ann is a certified Restoring Prana Teacher and Certified SomaYoga Therapist.
You do not need a book to attend this series. No prior experience is necessary.
Learn how to breathe more efficiently to improve your health & well-being, and overall vitality.
Learn that low (diaphragmatic breathing), slow, gentle breathing oxygenates us more than taking big breaths.
Increase your awareness of your Energy Bank Account directly affecting your prana and health.
Learn gentle SomaYoga (Somatics & yoga practices) movement, and practices to support your prana.
Learn meditation and mindfulness practices to support your prana.
Learn how to breathe while exercising to support your prana vs deplete it.
Learn strategies to integrate these practices into your life.
Receive audio and videos to support your home practice.
Receive the Restoring Prana Svadhyaya Breath Journal to use throughout the series and beyond. Svadhyaya is Sanskrit, the language of yoga, and means “self-study.”
Who is the course for? Anyone who has had Covid or has any of the following: shortness of breath, chest breathing, anxiety/panic, depression, asthma, COPD, insomnia, snoring/sleep apnea, temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJD), chronic cough, stuffy nose, sinusitis, hayfever, anterior head carriage, heartburn/GERD, migraines, muscle cramps, multiple chemical sensitivities, muscle pain, swollen lymph glands, dry skin/mouth/eyes, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, food allergies, constipation, bloating, brain fatigue, abdominal spasms, hemorrhoids, sluggishness, chronic fatigue, osteoporosis, or would like to support your vitality and health.
We do not prescribe, diagnose, or treat any medical condition but you’ll receive caring, positive guidance on your healing path.
Ann Blackburn owns Tula Yoga & Wellness with her husband, Dan. Ann is a Certified SomaYoga Therapist and weaves SomaYoga (Somatics & Yoga) practices, Ayurveda, iRest Yoga Nidra, Meditation, and energy work through private sessions, classes, workshops & retreats.